Frequently Asked Questions

How does a helicopter work?

A helicopter is a type of rotor-craft in which lift and thrust are supplied by one or more engine driven rotors. In contrast with fixed-wing aircraft, this allows the helicopter to take off and land vertically, to hover, and fly forwards, backwards, and laterally. These attributes allow helicopters to be used in congested or isolated areas where fixed-wing aircraft would not be able to take off or land. The capability to efficiently hover for extended periods of time allows a helicopter to accomplish tasks that fixed-wing aircraft and other forms of vertical takeoff and landing aircraft cannot perform. Helicopters are the most versatile flying machines in existence today. This versatility gives the pilot complete access to three-dimensional space in a way that no airplane can. If you have ever flown in a helicopter you know that its abilities are exhilarating. The amazing flexibility of helicopters means that they can fly almost anywhere. However, it also means that flying the machines is complicated. The pilot has to think in three dimensions and must use both arms and both legs constantly to keep a helicopter in the air. Piloting a helicopter requires a great deal of training and skill, as well as continuous attention to the machine.

Are helicopters safe?

Yes! Helicopters must have routine maintenance performed to keep them air worthy; they are among the safest conveyances available for transportation, heavy lifting, military operations & public safety operations in the air today. A helicopter has one great advantage over fixed wing aircraft landing in an emergency. The maneuver is called an “Autorotation”, a term used to describe the parachute like effect caused by engaging the main rotor’s blades after dropping from the sky during an emergency. Keep in mind that the helicopter is the most widely used aircraft for air rescue around the world.

How many passengers can fly at one time?

That depends on which helicopter is being used for the service you are receiving. Our company minimum is one (1) passenger, and the maximum is six (6) passengers. Our helicopters used for sightseeing tours accommodate 2-5 passengers.

Is there a height & weight limit for helicopters?

Yes! The height limit is 6’4”. Helicopters are very sensitive to weight distribution. As such, persons weighing more than 250lbs (114kgs) may be subject to additional fees. The weight and balance of the helicopter is computer generated and insures proper seat assignment. This system is used to equally distribute the weight, ensuring the pilot a level and safe flying platform. Special requests for certain seats will be granted if allowed by our weight and balance system. The weight limit per seat is different for every helicopter. Contact us with any questions about this regulation.

What should I wear on my flight?

Clothing should be comfortable and not too loose fitting. When it comes to clothing, keep in mind which type of flight you are booking. For example, your choice of apparel would be quite different for a Night Dinner Tour than for a Beach Tour during the day.

NOTE: Hats and other loose articles of clothing can be blown away due to the wind caused by the aircraft. Amaro Helicopters will not be responsible for articles of clothing or jewelry lost in flight.

Can we take photos on our flight?

Yes! In fact we encourage you to bring your camera to capture breathtaking views. For day flights, we recommend dark clothing for photo taking as bright colored clothing may create a reflective glare on the helicopter’s plexi-glass windows and create a reflection in your photos. Dark clothing helps to eliminate the reflections. This only applies to day time flights.

Can we fly with the doors off the helicopter?

Some of our helicopters have climate control systems which keep the helicopter at a comfortable temperature during your flight. If you are using a helicopter which does not have a climate control system, and both weather and safety permit, then yes, you can fly with the doors off. (Removal of doors may be an extra charge)

What are your hours of operation?

Our services are offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (weather and fleet availability permitting). We do not have a “set schedule” Flights and the usage of our fleet are established solely upon the booking requests of our clients. We suggest you book (reserve) in advance to ensure availability of fleet, but same day bookings may be available.

What if I get motion sickness?

Most of our clients enjoy their flight with no discomfort; however some guests are prone to motion sickness. If this applies to you, you may want to take Dramamine or a similar motion sickness product prior to flight. As with all medications, consult your doctor prior to use. Your pilot will try to provide you with the smoothest & most enjoyable flight possible. However, we do keep “Air Sick” bags aboard the aircraft if needed.

Can I fly if I am pregnant?

Yes, it is safe to fly. The biggest concern would be if you are late in your pregnancy. The pressure changes may induce labor. Though we do not recommend flights in your third trimester, should labor occur we will land the helicopter at the closest medical facility. Check with your physician to further understand risks prior to your flight.

What is your policy concerning children?

There is no age limit to ride in a helicopter, but we would like for a parent or guardian to accompany any minor(s) on their flight. If you have a child two (2) years of age or younger, they will not be charged for their flight if they are held on the lap of a parent or adult guardian. We ask that you exercise sound judgment when allowing your child to fly as you know your child/children best.

What should I bring to my helicopter flight?

A valid photo government issued ID

Any coupon or gift certificate you may have

Sunglasses, sunscreen, ear plugs

Your favorite music as some of our helicopters can accommodate your iPod®.


What is the best time to take a helicopter tour?

The best time to do any flight is immediately after rain because the skies are extremely clear. In addition, we recommend flights with children be scheduled during the day for maximum visibility, and at night for couples seeking a romantic evening.

Do we share the helicopter with passengers not in our group?

For rides and tours you may be traveling with other passengers, this depends entirely on how many people are scheduled for a specific flight. Charters flights are always private. If you wish to fly with just your party, you must let us know during the booking process

Do you offer your services to persons with disabilities?

Our friendly & courteous staff is here to assist our customers with disabilities. Some of our clients have mobility, vision or hearing impairments. Please advise us of your needs so we may make the proper accommodations for you in advance. Also, if you require the assistance of a service animal, please let us know when booking your flight.

How do I book your services?

Call us directly to talk with an Amaro Helicopters representative, 818-538-HELI (4354)

Email us,

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