While Pulsebandz devices are water resistant, it’s not good to keep a wet band on your skin for long periods of time.
If your band gets wet—like after sweating or showering—rinse and dry it thoroughly before putting it back on your wrist.
Be sure your skin is dry before you put your band back on.
Make sure your band isn’t too tight. We recommend leaving enough room for your pinky to slide between the band and your wrist.
If you use the heart rate monitor feature, you may choose to tighten the band during workouts for the most accurate heart rate readings.
Regularly clean your band and wrist—especially after working out, sweating, or exposing your skin to substances like soaps and lotions, which can get trapped beneath the band.
To clean your band, do not use household cleansers. Instead, use a soapless cleanser, rinse well, and dry it off with a soft towel.
For tough spots or stains, scrub with a wet soft-bristled toothbrush, and then follow the steps above.